How do smart thermostats work in Tampa?

Consider being able to manage your home’s comfort settings by vocalizing a short phrase or by using an app on your smartphone. Now, take it a step further and visualize having something that is able to learn your preferences and adjust automatically. As you can see, smart thermostats are beneficial pieces of technology capable of adding more convenience, energy reduction, and even safety to your life. Take a moment to understand how they work and what they are able to do for your family.
How do smart thermostats differ from regular models?
In spite of their unique abilities, smart thermostats operate in part like standard models. For instance, they are wired directly to your heating and cooling system. You are also able to manually raise and lower the temperature by engaging with the device fastened to your wall. But that’s just about where the similarities finish.
Tampa smart thermostats connect to your home’s wireless internet
The all-important connection to your wireless network is the main way to differentiate smart thermostats from standard models. By having this connection to the internet, you’re able to gain a new level of access and control. Essentially, you are able to adjust your comfort settings from any location. Did you neglect to lower the settings when departing on a family excursion? Don’t worry about it. Just access the easy-to-use Vivint app on your cell phone and quickly change it. There are various other tasks you can complete with the app, such as:
- Switch between heating and cooling
- Change your system to a specific mode like home, vacation, or sleep
- Activate or deactivate your fan
- Obtain updates when temperatures are automatically or manually altered
Change HVAC settings by simply using your voice
Your internet connection allows for one more amazing advantage as you are able to link your thermostat to a Google or Amazon smart speaker. If you’re trying to keep comfortable on a cold winter night and you don’t want to leave your snug seat in the recliner, just speak a directive like ”Hey Google, set the temperature to 73 degrees”.
Vivint Smart Thermostat actually adjusts on its own
The Vivint Smart Thermostat can take convenience to a higher level by using its available Smart Assistant. When set up within your smart home, the thermostat has the ability to employ a range of sensors and other features like geolocation to discern if you’re home or away. Not to mention, this adaptive piece of equipment will actually grasp your preferences and change settings to match. For instance, if you usually prefer things to be cooler over night, the thermostat will take note and change it for you.
Built-in safety measure in case of fire
The automated functionality also impacts your safety. The Vivint Smart Thermostat features an emergency HVAC shutoff when fire is detected to decrease the spread of flames and smoke. You might also set it to instantaneously turn on the exhaust fan to assist in venting your property.
Lower your utility expenses in Tampa
Your smart thermostat’s power to adjust temperature settings by itself and your ability to manipulate them from a distance isn’t just nice to have, it’s a plus for your bank account. If you adjust temperatures up to 10 degrees for whenever you’re not there, you stand to save quite a bit - up to 10% on utility expenses.
Customize your own Tampa smart home
Now that you have a better idea of how smart thermostats work in Tampa, it’s time to integrate one into your property. The Vivint home security specialists are ready to assist. Place a call to (813) 590-1845 or fill out the form on this page to begin.